Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Cause and effect essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Cause and effect - Essay useAn aflame effect of being uncivilized is pessimism. Anger drives the positivity out of an individual and leaves them emotionally drained. As a result, the outlook of the individual on the world in general and stack in occurrence becomes very pessimistic. While this emotional effect lasts just as long as the anger does, it rear cause the individual to make ban moves that they might even regret later. For example, just because of a misunderstand comment on Facebook from an otherwise close friend, the individual might unfriend the person out of anger, only to ensure later that the move was not worth making. Pessimism causes tidy sum to make uninformed decisions. In anger, people guide to overlook the positive aspects of an individuals personality and expand on the negative aspects excessively. The ability to rationally analyze situations, people, and circumstances is sapped in anger. An emotional effect of being angry is emotional outburst. Anger s aps intelligence and the ability of an individual to maintain emotional balance. Emotional outburst can be exhibited in variant ways. While some people shout, scream, or yell, others become faint. In emotional outburst, people say things that they very do not mean to say. They exaggerate the matter at hand and others sack in it, thus not only sounding irrational, but also casting a negative impression upon the audience both that is related to the matter and others that are not. Emotional outburst also causes more effects to appear physically and reflect in the face of the angry person. For example, some people go very red in the face when they are angry, some peoples lips, hands, and limbs start horror in anger, and yet there are others, who start to perspire heavy in anger. All of this is a result of the interaction between mind and body in emotional outburst. In emotional outburst, people even say things that are not directly related to the matter at hand. They may drag e xamples of events that have passed several years ago, thus casting an impression upon the audience that they do not allow go of things even if they seem to have forgiven. When people faint as a result of emotional outburst, their body temperature decreases and they turn white and pale in the face. Many people also perspire heavily when they faint. A physical effect of being angry is violence. Different people behave differently when they are angry. A reaction commonly shown by people in anger is violence. While some people simply enclose themselves in an empty room, and sleep away the anger, others start throwing things away, thus breaking them. A bad news heard over the television can seem a good agreement to throw a vase at the LED screen and shatter it. Some people become so overwhelmed with anger that they ignite fire and burn away their possessions, rooms, and other kinds of property, thus putting others lives in risk of infection in addition to their own. Possession of weap ons can be potentially harmful for such an individual who cannot match themselves in anger. People who possess pistols have a tendency to shoot the person they are angry at in rare circumstances. Possession of weapons can be particularly dangerous when there is a fight between children or young adults. Out of immaturity and insanity, they are vulnerable to hurting or even

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